Billing Service

Billing Service

Billing Service

Fraugster is an AI powered anti-fraud software for e-commerce. As a Product Designer at Fraugster, the challenge was to simplify its complex payment intelligence and anti-fraud services while handling large amount of data into a user-friendly experience.

Fraugster is an AI powered anti-fraud software for e-commerce. As a Product Designer at Fraugster, the challenge was to simplify its complex payment intelligence and anti-fraud services while handling large amount of data into a user-friendly experience.

Fraugster is an AI powered anti-fraud software for e-commerce. As a Product Designer at Fraugster, the challenge was to simplify its complex payment intelligence and anti-fraud services while handling large amount of data into a user-friendly experience.

Project Scope

Project Scope

Fraugster has significantly expanded its customer portfolio and product offerings in recent years, offering a modular platform for configuring multiple transaction flows and products tailored to client needs. 

The need for a scalable billing solution arose due to unique pricing for each product and merchant. The previous manual billing process was costly, error-prone, and unable to handle the demands of the growing customer base. To address these challenges, we implemented a fully automated billing system, beginning with the integration of a pricing function into our dashboard during the onboarding process for new customers.

Fraugster has significantly expanded its customer portfolio and product offerings in recent years, offering a modular platform for configuring multiple transaction flows and products tailored to client needs. 

The need for a scalable billing solution arose due to unique pricing for each product and merchant. The previous manual billing process was costly, error-prone, and unable to handle the demands of the growing customer base. To address these challenges, we implemented a fully automated billing system, beginning with the integration of a pricing function into our dashboard during the onboarding process for new customers.

Project Details

Project Details

Project Length: 4 weeks

My Role: Product Designer

Product Owner: Chandan Deepak Mehmi

Device: Desktop / SaaS

Methods & Tools: User Persona, Journey Map, User Testing, User Flows, Wireframing, Prototyping, Figma

Challenge: Integration of a pricing function into the dashboard 

Project Length: 4 weeks

My Role: Product Designer

Product Owner: Chandan Deepak Mehmi

Device: Desktop / SaaS

Methods & Tools: User Persona, Journey Map, User Testing, User Flows, Wireframing, Prototyping, Figma

Challenge: Integration of a pricing function into the dashboard 

1. Empathise

1. Empathise

As part of the empathising process, we conducted interviews with stakeholders and internal users to gather valuable insights and information. This helped us to have a comprehensive understanding of the needs and pain points of our target audience, allowing us to create solutions that truly cater to their needs.

Research Objectives:
- Creating user personas based on their behavior patterns, motivations, and pain points
- Defining the user journey of our primary persona
- Prioritizing the features and functionalities based on the needs and pain points of the personas.

As part of the empathising process, we conducted interviews with stakeholders and internal users to gather valuable insights and information. This helped us to have a comprehensive understanding of the needs and pain points of our target audience, allowing us to create solutions that truly cater to their needs.

Research Objectives:
- Creating user personas based on their behavior patterns, motivations, and pain points
- Defining the user journey of our primary persona
- Prioritizing the features and functionalities based on the needs and pain points of the personas.


We used the data collected from interviews to create two personas.

Judit /  Customer Success Engineer

After conducting discovery and interviews with the users, we identified our primary persona as a Customer Success Engineer. The initial step of the billing project involved adding a pricing function to our dashboard for our Customer Success team to enter contract prices. Judit, who frequently uses our onboarding and integration service Apollo, regularly integrates new customers to our dashboard. However, before this update, she was unable to enter any pricing information and had to resort to finding contract documents on other tools whenever price changes or information was needed.

After conducting discovery and interviews with the users, we identified our primary persona as a Customer Success Engineer. The initial step of the billing project involved adding a pricing function to our dashboard for our Customer Success team to enter contract prices. Judit, who frequently uses our onboarding and integration service Apollo, regularly integrates new customers to our dashboard. However, before this update, she was unable to enter any pricing information and had to resort to finding contract documents on other tools whenever price changes or information was needed.

Diogo / Financial Accountant

The second objective of this project was to reduce the workload of the finance team. Previously, the team was responsible for manually reviewing each customer's monthly or yearly transaction flow to generate bills based on their contract prices. This was a time-consuming and error-prone process, which motivated us to automate the billing system. This would eliminate the possibility of human error and save time. The automation of the billing system was to be designed as the second phase of the Billing Service Project.

Diogo / Financial Accountant

The second objective of this project was to reduce the workload of the finance team. Previously, the team was responsible for manually reviewing each customer's monthly or yearly transaction flow to generate bills based on their contract prices. This was a time-consuming and error-prone process, which motivated us to automate the billing system. This would eliminate the possibility of human error and save time. The automation of the billing system was to be designed as the second phase of the Billing Service Project.

Diogo / Financial Accountant

The second objective of this project was to reduce the workload of the finance team. Previously, the team was responsible for manually reviewing each customer's monthly or yearly transaction flow to generate bills based on their contract prices. This was a time-consuming and error-prone process, which motivated us to automate the billing system. This would eliminate the possibility of human error and save time. The automation of the billing system was to be designed as the second phase of the Billing Service Project

For the first part of this project as "Pricing Function", our focus was on creating a solution that addressed the needs and pain points of our primary persona, Judit.

For the first part of this project as "Pricing Function", our focus was on creating a solution that addressed the needs and pain points of our primary persona, Judit.

User Journey Map

To better understand Judit's frustrations, needs, and goals, we created her User Journey Map.

Judit /  Customer Success Engineer

After conducting discovery and interviews with the users, we identified our primary persona as a Customer Success Engineer. The initial step of the billing project involved adding a pricing function to our dashboard for our Customer Success team to enter contract prices. Judit, who frequently uses our onboarding and integration service Apollo, regularly integrates new customers to our dashboard. However, before this update, she was unable to enter any pricing information and had to resort to finding contract documents on other tools whenever price changes or information was needed.

2. Define

2. Define

Having defined our personas and their respective needs, we proceeded to further analyze the situation by identifying key problems, opportunities and crafting a well-defined hypothesis statement to guide our next steps.

Having defined our personas and their respective needs, we proceeded to further analyze the situation by identifying key problems, opportunities and crafting a well-defined hypothesis statement to guide our next steps.

Problem Statements

  • Fraugster's manual billing process is not scalable due to the complexity of supporting multi-level configuration trees for clients' sub-channels.

  • Fraugster's manual billing process is prone to human errors, which can lead to financial losses for the company.

  • Fraugster's manual billing process is costly due to the high workload required to maintain it.

  • Fraugster's manual billing process is not scalable due to the complexity of supporting multi-level configuration trees for clients' sub-channels.

  • Fraugster's manual billing process is prone to human errors, which can lead to financial losses for the company.

  • Fraugster's manual billing process is costly due to the high workload required to maintain it.

We believe that implementing a fully automated billing service can improve the workflow of customer success and finance teams, reduce their workload, and minimize the risk of human error and financial loss for the company.

Based on our findings, we have clearly defined the project requirements.

For our onboarding service Apollo:

  • A pricing panel should appear below product panels once a product has been selected.

  • Each selected product should have its own pricing panel.

  • Customers should be able to choose a monthly or yearly billing frequency.

  • The pricing table should include a discount section.

How Might We?

  • How might we create a dynamic billing service that can adapt to each merchant's specific pricing needs.

  • How might we facilitate the entry of pricing information during the customer onboarding process?

  • How might we display each merchant's billing profile on our dashboard for the customer success team's review?

How Might We?

  • How might we create a dynamic billing service that can adapt to each merchant's specific pricing needs?

  • How might we facilitate the entry of pricing information during the customer onboarding process?

  • How might we display each merchant's billing profile on our dashboard for the customer success team's review?

Hypothesis Statement

Based on our findings, we have clearly defined the project requirements.

For our onboarding service Apollo:

  • A pricing panel should appear below product panels once a product has been selected.

  • Each selected product should have its own pricing panel.

  • Customers should be able to choose a monthly or yearly billing frequency.

  • The pricing table should include a discount section.

We believe that implementing a fully automated billing service can improve the workflow of customer success and finance teams, reduce their workload, and minimize the risk of human error and financial loss for the company.

  • How might we create a dynamic billing service that can adapt to each merchant's specific pricing needs?

  • How might we facilitate the entry of pricing information during the customer onboarding process?

  • How might we display each merchant's billing profile on our dashboard for the customer success team's review?

Hypothesis Statement

Problem Statement

  • Fraugster's manual billing process is not scalable due to the complexity of supporting multi-level configuration trees for clients' sub-channels.

  • Fraugster's manual billing process is prone to human errors, which can lead to financial losses for the company.

  • Fraugster's manual billing process is costly due to the high workload required to maintain it.

Low fidelity Sketches

To ensure accuracy and ease of use, I focused on creating a dynamic pricing table that would reflect each customer's selected product combination and contract, as Fraugster is a modular platform that allows customers to combine different core and add-on products based on their unique needs.

We believe that implementing a fully automated billing service can improve the workflow of customer success and finance teams, reduce their workload, and minimize the risk of human error and financial loss for the company.

Mid fidelity Wireframes

After ideating and iterating with a variety of low-fidelity sketches, I refined my design concepts and prepared mid-fidelity mock-ups to present to internal users and stakeholders. These mock-ups allowed me to demonstrate the key features and functionalities of my design in a more detailed and visually appealing manner, while still leaving room for feedback and adjustments.

4. Prototype and Test

Based on our findings, we have clearly defined the project requirements.

For our onboarding service Apollo:

  • A pricing panel should appear below product panels once a product has been selected.

  • Each selected product should have its own pricing panel.

  • Customers should be able to choose a monthly or yearly billing frequency.

  • The pricing table should include a discount section.

Pricing Function Flow

During the ideation phase, I realized that the integration form needed to be broken down into three parts. The first part focuses on the "product selection and pricing panel" for which I created low-fidelity sketches to establish a dynamic pricing table.

Low Fidelity Sketches

To ensure accuracy and ease of use, I focused on creating a dynamic pricing table that would reflect each customer's selected product combination and contract, as Fraugster is a modular platform that allows customers to combine different core and add-on products based on their unique needs.

  1. Ideate

  1. Ideate

Following the identification of problems, opportunities, and potential solutions, I began exploring and creating flows, low-fidelity sketches for further ideation.

Following the identification of problems, opportunities, and potential solutions, I began exploring and creating flows, low-fidelity sketches for further ideation.

4. Prototype and Test

Pricing Function Flow

During the ideation phase, I realized that the integration form needed to be broken down into three parts. The first part focuses on the "product selection and pricing panel" for which I created low-fidelity sketches to establish a dynamic pricing table.

Low fidelity Sketches

Pricing Function Flow

User Journey Map

To ensure accuracy and ease of use, I focused on creating a dynamic pricing table that would reflect each customer's selected product combination and contract, as Fraugster is a modular platform that allows customers to combine different core and add-on products based on their unique needs.

During the ideation phase, I realized that the integration form needed to be broken down into three parts. The first part focuses on the "product selection and pricing panel" for which I created low-fidelity sketches to establish a dynamic pricing table.

To better understand Judit's frustrations, needs, and goals, we created her User Journey Map.


We used the data collected from interviews to create two personas.

  1. Prototype and Test

Mid fidelity Wireframes

Mid fidelity Wireframes

After ideating and iterating with a variety of low-fidelity sketches, I refined my design concepts and prepared mid-fidelity mock-ups to present to internal users and stakeholders. These mock-ups allowed me to demonstrate the key features and functionalities of my design in a more detailed and visually appealing manner, while still leaving room for feedback and adjustments.

After ideating and iterating with a variety of low-fidelity sketches, I refined my design concepts and prepared mid-fidelity mock-ups to present to internal users and stakeholders. These mock-ups allowed me to demonstrate the key features and functionalities of my design in a more detailed and visually appealing manner, while still leaving room for feedback and adjustments.

High Fidelity Prototype

High Fidelity Prototype

High Fidelity Prototype

After presenting the mid-fidelity mock-ups, I incorporated valuable feedback and data gathered from both internal users and stakeholders to develop the final high-fidelity prototype. With a deep analysis of this feedback and data, I was able to pinpoint areas for improvement and effectively implement changes that addressed key pain points, resulting in a user-centric product.

After presenting the mid-fidelity mock-ups, I incorporated valuable feedback and data gathered from both internal users and stakeholders to develop the final high-fidelity prototype. With a deep analysis of this feedback and data, I was able to pinpoint areas for improvement and effectively implement changes that addressed key pain points, resulting in a user-centric product.

Stakeholder Validation

Stakeholder Validation

Stakeholder Validation

We successfully presented the final prototype to the heads of finance, customer success, and product teams and received valuable feedback from them. We also conducted 4 moderated user tests with our internal users to gather additional insights and improve the functionality and user experience. At the end of the tests, we had 94% direct success rate.

We successfully presented the final prototype to the heads of finance, customer success, and product teams and received feedback from them. We also conducted 4 moderated user tests with our internal users to gather additional insights and improve the product's functionality and user experience. At the end of the tests, we had 94% direct success rate.

Next Steps

Next Steps

Next Steps

- Improve the form for contract changes
- Create an export option for the form

- Improve the form for contract changes
- Create an export option for the form

Have questions or comments? I would love to hear from you, let's work together.

Have questions or comments? I would love to hear from you, let's work together.

Have questions or comments? I would love to hear from you, let's work together.

© 2023 Gökçe Berndt. All rights reserved.

© 2023 Gökçe Berndt. All rights reserved.

© 2023 Gökçe Berndt. All rights reserved.